• hobby-lobby

    Pro-life firms take fight against US abortion mandate to courts

  • eric-holder

    US department gay employees' directive angers Christian group

  • texas-governor-rick-perry

    Texas governor will sign 'Merry Christmas Bill' despite protest

  • gay-boy-scout

    Admission of gays to US Boy Scouts divides churches

  • us-illegal-immigrants

    Christian group lauds new US immigration bill

  • us-immigration

    Illegal immigrants in US 'overwhelmingly Christian,' says study

  • james-dobson

    James Dobson says he too was targeted by US tax authority

  • franklin-graham

    Conservative Christian groups complain of targeting by US tax agency

  • Faith groups oppose California 'bathroom bill' for transgenders

  • us-immigration

    Inter-faith leaders speak out on US immigration bill

  • US city to apologize for arresting missionaries at Arab event

  • admiral-william-lee

    Pentagon religious controversy continues on National Day of Prayer

  • plan-b-morning-after-pill

    Selling of morning-after pill to 15-year-olds draws pro-life flak

  • nra-forum-ted-cruz

    Texas senator challenges US Vice President to gun control debate

  • chaplains

    US military retreats on earlier proselytizing statement