• chaplain-emil-kapaun

    Catholic Medal of Honor chaplain is sainthood candidate

  • holy-books

    Role of religious courts in US examined

  • us-supreme-court

    Ban on Ten Commandments in Kentucky, part of ongoing battle

  • korea-peace-and-reunification

    US, Korean church bodies to host peace conference

  • gun-control

    US Senate compromise sets stage for gun control debate

  • u-s-army

    US Army draws flak for listing Evangelicals, Catholics as extremists

  • bill-graham

    US legislators' attempt to make a state religion thwarted

  • episcopal-bishops-for-gun-control

    Maryland is fourth US state to pass gun control legislation

  • mike-huckabee

    Evangelicals may leave US party over gay marriage

  • u-s-president-barack-obama-the-rev-luis-leon

    Pastor at Obama's Easter sermon criticizes 'captains of the religious right'

  • gun-control

    Connecticut lawmakers agree to strict new gun restrictions

  • neville-hall-at-presbyterian-college-in-clinton-south-carolina

    Reward offered in threatening letters case at Presbyterian College

  • small-palm-tree

    United Church of Christ aims to plant 100,000 trees in 50 days

  • starbucks

    Offended anti-gay marriage group wants Starbucks stock dump

  • pro-life

    New North Dakota legislation stirs life-abortion debate