• michelle-obama-barack-obama

    At prayer breakfast, Obama talks faith and foreign policy

  • statue-of-john-carroll-first-archbishop-of-baltimore

    Nuns get partial win in US Supreme Court contraception fight

  • pope-benedict-barack-obama

    Obama to highlight poverty-fighting agenda in Vatican visit

  • terri-chung-sister-of-kenneth-bae

    Missionary Bae jailed in N.Korea 'wants U.S. to help him get home'

  • salt-lake-county-district-attorney-sim-gill

    US top court halts gay marriage in Utah, at least temporarily

  • barack-obama-michelle-obama

    US asks top court not to extend Catholics' contraception exemption

  • monsignor-william-lynn

    Philadelphia court overturns US priest's conviction in sex cover-up

  • jerry-brown-archbishop-jose-gomez

    Nearly one in five US Catholics of Mexican origin, survey finds

  • archbishop-of-new-york-timothy-dolan

    US Catholic bishops elect new leaders concerned with poor

  • u-s-supreme-court

    At US high court hearing, passions over religion and its rules

  • rally-against-mass-surveillance

    Italian magazine says US spies listened to Pope, Vatican says unaware

  • pastor-carl-sanders

    Indiana pastor stops robbery peacefully after drawing handgun

  • jim-wallis-at-wef

    US church leaders weigh in on 'unbiblical' politicians in budget fight

  • catholic-clergy

    Poll finds US Catholics support Pope's pronouncements

  • anti-islamic-film-protest

    California man behind anti-Islam film freed from federal custody