'Super Mario Galaxy 3' release could be linked to release of Nintendo NX


The "Super Mario Galaxy" game series are 3D games released by Nintendo, which have been critical and commercial successes. However, due to some issues, Nintendo decided not to pursue 3D games for the time being.

"[A new Mario Galaxy] is always in discussion but even with Mario 64 there was a lot of feedback about motion sickness with the 3D or maybe us making it too difficult," famed Nintendo game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, told Eurogamer.

After the release of "Super Mario Galaxy 2" five years ago, Nintendo decided to return to releasing more traditional 2D "Super Mario" games. However, Miyamoto revealed that they are always considering reviving the "Super Mario Galaxy" when "hardware and technology gets better and advances."

Many Nintendo fans are now hypothesizing that Nintendo will possibly release "Super Mario Galaxy 3" after the release of the mysterious Nintendo NX console.

"Even moving on to the year after, we're always thinking of ways to surprise the audience," Miyamoto said.

Nintendo is definitely going for the element of surprise when it comes to the Nintendo NX console. After the initial announcement back in 2014, Nintendo has remained tight-lipped and have not released much information about the upcoming gaming console, said to be released in 2016.

Thus, those who want to know more about the upcoming console have become detectives, trying to piece together any new information they come across, including patents that Nintendo has recently filed.

Nintendo was found to have filed a patent for a CD-less device that will feature an internal hard disk drive that can store data and network capabilities in order to transmit or communicate data wirelessly.

Nintendo Enthusiast also discovered another patent for achievement recording and sharing. The Achievement feature would allow players to share and showcase their game progress and achievements with their friends and other Nintendo players, something similar to the current Miiverse.

It should be noted that even though Nintendo has filed for these patents, this does not guarantee that they will be included in the Nintendo NX. 

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