'Wander' PS4 release date: game to arrive on PS4 and PC this week

(Official website)Screenshot from the game 'Wander'

The game "Wander" is going to come to the PlayStation 4 and PC this week and a trailer for it was recently released. It showed that the indie developed game is extremely different from others in that it will allow players to step into the role of tree that has the ability to walk and even shape shift into the form of a griffin and other animals.

Importantly, the adventure based massively multiplayer online (MMO) game is not going to include any shooting and players will be able to explore a beautiful island with a number of mysteries without the threat of violence. As the game has no combat, weapons and explosions, it instead concentrates on providing players with a realistic and beautiful experience as they explore a lush forest, stunning beaches and vast oceans.

The trailer for the game also revealed a new character Hira. Even though she appears to be human, Hira has gills and fins in the game and they come in handy when she swims. Even when she flies through the air they can be employed for gliding just like a wingsuit. In the game, the character will also be able to hitch rides on Griffins and even move from one to another when they are flying. However, Crystal Flinn who works as a writer and character designer on the game stated on the PlayStation Blog that flying in the game would require considerable skill and practice and would not be a simple affair governed by buttons.

Flinn also revealed more information about the glyph system in the game which will allow players to communicate with characters who do not speak the same language. Importantly players can draw glyphs using the touchpad on the Dualshock 4 controller.

As for the characters in the game, players will start by playing as Oren as walking tree and then they can shape shift into a Griffin or a fish like creature named Azertash. Finally the game will come with a menu system which is built to be a "non menu" but provide them with all the options needed.


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