'Terminator 5' plot, cast news: multiple Terminators and time travel will be features of new film


The Terminator franchise lost a bit of luster following the disappointing 'Terminator 4'. That installment was deprived of Arnold Schwarzenegger and instead featured Christian Bale as the lead actor of the series. Producers for 'Terminator 5' are hoping to restore the classic sci-fi franchise to its former glory with this latest installment, and they seem well on their way as they have once again secured the services of the series' most iconic star in Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In addition to Schwarzenegger, they have assembled a strong roster of actors to portray new characters in the series. A partial list includes Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) Jason Clarke (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) and Jai Courtney (Divergent).

Courtney spoke about the project in an article in Collider, where he revealed a lot of details regarding the film. "I've been thinking a lot about how we actually frame - people want to know if it's a sequel or a reboot. A word that kind of came to me is that it's more of a 'reset.' That's the awesome thing about when you play with time travel," he said.

Time travel will be featured heavily in the film, as detailed in an article in Entertainment Weekly. The film will once again feature John Connor, portrayed this time by Clarke, as the leader of the Resistance. This time, Connor will face his most difficult mission as he will be assaulted by Skynet from both the past and the present through the use of time travel.

If that isn't confusing enough, there will again be multiple Terminators figuring in the film. Schwarzenegger will reprise his role as the original Terminator and he will be tasked with protecting Connor and his allies from the new model Terminators, a younger T-800 (also played by Schwarzenegger) and the more advanced T-1000. A Super Bowl trailer treated viewers to a glimpse of the action as two Schwarzenegger faced other in a battle of young T-800 versus original T-800.

The fifth installment of the Terminator franchise 'Genisys' is slated for release on July 2015.

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