Super Smash Bros 4 character list update: Roster to include F-Zero, Fire Emblem characters

(Credit: NINTENDO / Super Smash Bros 4)

Three new characters, two from Fire Emblem and the third from F-Zero, will join Super Smash Bros 4's updated character list. The roster additions were announced on the official website of Super Smash Bros 4 and by video gaming news authority, IGN.

The inclusion of two beloved characters from Fire Emblem and one from F-Zero was well-received by fans of the hit franchise.

Comments posted on IGN after the announcements were made were largely positive, with a few hoping more characters from F-Zero would be added in the next Super Smash Bros 4 roster update.

Captain Falcon from F-Zero, Lucina and Robin both from Fire Emblem: The Awakening are the newest entries on Super Smash Bros 4's playable character list.

While Lucina assumes her original form in the game, Robin will be playable in two forms: female and male. Variations will apply in Robin's new costume and abilities.

Although unconfirmed by Nintendo, IGN reports that in the next character update, Meta Knight from Kirby and Ness by Earthbound just might make the cut.

As of this posting, the Super Smash Bros 4 character roster totals 37 unique personalities from different popular video game franchises. Even Wii's very own Fit Trainer makes an appearance in Super Smash Bros 4.

Nintendo's Super Smash Bros 4 is set for release on 3DS this October 3rd and will be available on Wii U by the Holidays of 2014.

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