'Star Wars Battlefront' news: 'Death Star' DLC pack release date very soon

(Star Wars Battlefront official web site)'Star Wars Battlefront's' 'Death Star' DLC pack coming this September

September is now a few days old, and what that means for "Star Wars Battlefront" players, is that the arrival of the new "Death Star" downloadable content (DLC) pack is also inching closer and closer.

For those who may have missed it, developers have previously announced that the new DLC pack will be released sometime this month, though an exact date has yet to be provided.

Season pass owners are also expected to be given two-week early access to the soon-to-be released DLC pack, though for now, they too are waiting to find out exactly when they may be able to try out all the new additions.

The next "Star Wars Battlefront" expansion pack is expected to be a substantial addition.

Among its many additions will be two new characters in Bossk and Chewbacca who will be bringing their own array of special abilities to the game.

New maps are also set to be added as well, and as the name of the DLC pack hints at, these settings will enable players to battle in different locations in and around the iconic Death Star.

The "Death Star" DLC pack also introduces the new Battle Station game mode to "Star Wars Battlefront."

As noted in a post on the game's official website, Battle Station requires players to engage in a new mode that spans across three different phases. Each phase of Battle Station will call on players to complete different objectives and the outcome of the mode itself will depend on which side the players ultimately side with.

Also included in the "Death Star" DLC pack are new Star Cards, blasters and other items that should help players out in battle.

Following the release of "Death Star," "Star Wars Battlefront" players can look ahead to "Rogue One: Scarif," the fourth DLC pack that will be released for the game.

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