Sony Xperia VR headset could arrive during MWC 2016

(YouTube/Péter Varga)Concept model of a Sony Xperia VR headset

With virtual reality headsets for smartphones becoming very popular, a number of companies have been jumping on the bandwagon with their offerings. The latest offering in this particular sphere is the LG 360 VR headset and it looks like Sony could also be releasing one soon.

Reporting on the rumor about the Sony Xperia VR headset, Android Headlines states it surfaced when people noticed that Sony has mastered a film for VR. Importantly, the film was found within the Privilege app which is found on the Xperia lineup of smartphones created by Sony. As soon as it was noticed, many analysts were wondering why the film was recreated for a VR experience when Sony does not offer any compatible headset for its mobile devices.

This led to many analysts assuming that the company could be releasing a Sony Xperia VR. In addition to this, NDTV points out that the Privilege Plus movie app, which can also show TV content, now has a VR Theater mode. Once this mode was spotted, more information about it was dug up from the Google Play listing of the app and it noticed that the VR mode was compatible with smartphones like the Xperia E3, M5 and many more. However, no mention was made of the Xperia Z5 lineup, which includes a bigger Z5 Premium model with a 4K display.

Incidentally, a good screen resolution is vital for smartphones that are used with VR headsets and this is where the Z5 Premium is handy as it has a resolution of 2160 x 3840 pixels. Sony also has a patent for a VR headset that can be used along with a smartphone but so far, very little attention has been paid to it actually being released as a product. Instead, people have been focusing on when the PlayStation VR headset will be arriving from Sony and as of now, rumors indicate its launch has been delayed until the fall.

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