Seattle Seahawks Rumors: Is Russell Wilson worth much more to Seattle?

(Wikimedia Commons)Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks.

For Russell Wilson, it has never been about money.

But the Seattle Seahawks quarterback's name has cropped up after the Carolina Panthers signed their quarterback Cam Newton for a five-year $103,000,000 contract, and fans are now waiting to see how much the former Super Bowl winner is worth to Seattle.

Wilson is still in his rookie contract that is set to expire next year. His terms are less than $3 million for four years, and he is set to have only around $1.5 million in his final year under the first contract.

And many believe that if Newton is worth nine figures, then Wilson should be worth more than that.

After all, Wilson had led the team to a 2014 Super Bowl win and was literally one completed pass away from winning it back-to-back in 2015.

However, for Wilson, everything isn't about money. Wilson has reiterated what his manager, Mark Rodgers, had said - he will even play out his final year if the team asks him to do so.

That's a very noble and humble statement by Wilson who should be able to demand just as much money if not more for his efforts on the field.

The 26-year-old met reporters after practice and said, "Ultimately I believe it will work out, hope that it does, I just take one day at a time. It's a private matter. I don't really talk about that kind of stuff."

Stating that he still keeps tabs on what's happening with his contract, but ultimately accepts whatever comes his way, Wilson continued, "I'm one of those guys that just believes in just trying to do your best, you know? And if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. So hopefully it's meant to be and we'll just keep moving forward.

"No matter where I go I always believe that it's going to work out no matter what the situation is," he continued. "And I hope that it's here and I hope that it's here for a long time and hopefully I get to wear the Seahawks blue in No. 3 for a long time. But we'll see what happens."

Wilson has shown himself to be a true professional in the league, and the Seahawks may be making a big mistake if they do not reward their quarterback for what he is worth.

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