'Resident Evil 7' updates: Koshi Nakanishi assures fans that 'RE 7' is not a ghost story; game's US and Japanese titles merged

(Facebook/residentevil)"Resident Evil 7" playable demo is reportedly not part of the main game.

The "Resident Evil 7" announcement trailer and playable demo was easily one of the most memorable and exciting things to come out of this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).

"Resident Evil" fans had been praying that Capcom would have some news about the much-hyped game at this year's E3, so it was a happy surprise when the company not only showcased a VR-ready "Resident Evil," it also revealed a playable demo that reminded hardcore fans of the game's glory days.

The announcement trailer for "Resident Evil 7" was beautiful but terrifying to behold, with scenes that intrigued and captivated viewers. It also insidiously wormed its way into your subconscious so that you keep wanting to hear its chilling soundtrack.The accompanying playable demo, ominously named "Resident Evil 7: Beginning Hour," shows some familiar elements from the game as the player searched for a way to get out of the house. Longtime players will no doubt know that they need to check every nook and cranny to search for relevant clues and materials.

However, both the trailer and the demo were curiously devoid of zombies, a staple of the popular franchise; instead, there were teases of the occult and ghosts. The demo had a decidedly "Silent Hill" feel to it, prompting fans to wonder whether the game had been rebooted.

Director Koshi Nakanishi was quick to lay those fears to rest, stating in a Capcom Unity blog post that they didn't turn "Resident Evil" into a ghost story. But he did want the demo to focus on the horror and exploration aspect of the game, describing them as "the key pillars of the game." Nakanishi also emphasized that the demo "isn't a slice of the game."

"This is a tonal preview of what to expect in the game, rather than a little bit of game content you're getting in advance," he explained.

Producer Masachika Kawata also explained the reasoning behind the adoption of the Biohazard name. The game has been called "Biohazard" in Japan, while it's called "Resident Evil" in the US and the UK. Merging the two titles will reportedly tie the series together and create a bigger impact among fans. So Capcom's upcoming game will be called "Resident Evil 7: Biohazard" in the US and UK and "Biohazard 7: Resident Evil" in Japan.

"Resident Evil 7 Biohazard" is set to be released on Jan. 24, 2017. Players who pre-order the game will be able to unlock a special item and will be give early access to a planned Survival mode.


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