Nintendo Switch release date, specs rumors: Upcoming console might sport non-removable battery

(Facebook/ NintendoSwitch)Promotional image for Nintendo Switch

Recent reports suggest that the upcoming hybrid mobile console will possibly sport a non-removable battery.

The reports came after a filing at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was discovered hinting that Nintendo will most likely consider a non-removable battery pack for their console that is due to release in March.

As per the FCC filing docs, the console was brought in for testing last August. Under the identification of the equipment section, it was clearly mentioned that the Equipment Under Test has a battery pack that "the user can't remove."

According to Engadget, there might be some complications if Nintendo Switch is going to be released with a non-removable battery. For one, it will be impossible to upgrade the console with a battery pack with longer power-on time.

The same report took for example what happened when Wii U, Nintendo's current flagship gaming console, was due to halt production soon. Nintendo was able to release a battery pack that works for longer hours since Wii U's battery pack is removable.

The post-launch sold battery packs were able to boost the console's performance by up to eight hours. It will be impossible to happen for Nintendo Switch if the Japan-based video gaming company opts for a non-removable battery pack.

For gamers not so fond of a non-removable battery pack, there is still chance that Nintendo will change plans as what was filed to FCC was a "product prototype." However, historically, FCC filings indicate the final plans for a certain tech product.

However, as also noted by Engadget, the size of the tablet-like mobile console might not be able to house a larger battery pack either. So even if Nintendo ditches the non-removable battery pack, it will still be impossible for Nintendo Switch to experience a larger battery pack just like Wii U did.

On the other hand, Ubergizmo pointed out that Nintendo Switch will be shipped with a USB Type-C port. So, through that, it will be possible for future owners to play with it using an external battery pack.

It can be recalled that Nintendo Switch was earlier reported to possibly support its own virtual reality headset as leaked patent hints.

Nintendo Switch is slated for release in March 2017.

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