Massive EA Origin PC game discounts, titles for 2015 revealed

In pursuit of the season's generous vibe, EA Origin has unraveled a massive PC game sale just in time for Christmas Day.
"Celebrate the new year with savings on some of our biggest hits!" EA wrote.
Unlike previous holiday sales, Origin is extending deep discounts and price reductions on a range of major titles such as The Sims 4 ($34.95), FIFA 15 ($46.83), Battlefield 4 ($17.45), Battlefield 4 Premium Edition ($34.95), Battlefield 3 ($1.24), Titanfall ($12.45), Crysis 3 ($12.45), Mass Effect Trilogy ($17.45) and Dragon Age Inquisition ($46.83).
Dragon Age Inquisition is one of the best-reviewed RPG games of 2014. Far from the over-hyped but screwed titles such as Assassin's Creed Unity and Halo: The Master Chief Collection, the game has been widely recognized for flawless visuals and storyline.
Other PC video games that are on sale in Origin are Need for Speed Rivals, Battlefield 3 Premium, FIFA 14, Sim City Complete Edition, Sim City Cities of Tomorrow, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare, Dead Space Awakened 3 and FIFA Manager 14.
For games under $10, gamers can snatch home-grown titles like Warp ($6.45), Medal of Honor Airborne ($4.95), Monopoly ($6.45), Bejeweled 3 ($6.50), Wargame European Escalation ($2.50), Plants vs Zombies ($6.50), Dungeon Keeper 2 ($5.90), Lands of Lore III ($5.90), Spore ($9.95), The Game of Life ($6.50), Mass Effect ($9.95) and tons more.
EA is also expected to release four major video games early next year. These include Star Wars Battlefront, Dawngate, Mirror's Edge 2013 and Battlefield Hardline.
The Origin Sale also carries third party titles such as Tomb Raider and Metro: Last Light. Those who are looking for Mass Effect Trilogy and Crysis 3 might want to go to Gamestop and Amazon for better deals.
Aside from EA Origin Sale, The Winter Steam Sale is now also live and offering games at significantly reduced prices.