'Left 4 Dead 3' release date vague but points to 2017; Recent leaks suggest 'Left 4 Dead 2' successor under development

(Facebook/Left 4 Dead)A projected 2107 launch is expected on the successor of Left 4 Dead 2.

Onlookers from the internet and the gaming world should hand it to Valve Corporation when it comes to keeping its most guarded information. In this case, in keeping the lid on the long overdue successor of Left 4 Dead 2.

Whether it is intentional or just purely coming from a speculation that there has not been any development yet regarding the next entry, the people from the developer's team of the cooperative first-person shooter, post-apocalyptic video game are really good at their job of making its fans wanting for more information.

But alas, the internet should not be underestimated for its job of providing information, real or speculation. Either way, any information leads to discussion which sparks hope and further anticipation to some of the most eager fans of the video game. This rings true as Tristan Reidford, who was employed as an artist for the first two Left 4 Dead previous installments, mistakenly showed a screenshot of his desktop in one of his workshops. The screenshot was shown to have included the Left 4 Dead 3 folder along with a Portal 3 file.

Moreover, it should be noted that the screenshot was first captured by a website which happens to be a Valve fansite. Further, if there is anything, the people behind the Valve are known for teasing its fans ahead of their games' imminent launching. One example is when the video game company coaxed their fans with enigmatic hints about Half-Life 3 back in 2015.

Despite little information, some features have still managed to surface. The video game is expected to be playable by four players, in its traditional three-men, one-woman type to team up. The entry may also be featuring Crash-land, Impasse, Inquisitor Land, Early Destination, Cliff-Hanger, and No Mercy in its new campaign.

It's been six years now since the last iteration of series came out. Left 4 Dead 3 is speculated to be launched sometime in 2017.

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