'Iron Man 4' plot rumors, news: Who is Riri Williams and why is she being tied to the movie?

(Facebook / Iron Man)Riri Williams, the newest "Iron Man" in the comics, is rumored to be featured in "Iron Man 4"

A new "Iron Man" has just landed on Marvel's superhero-studded land, and whether fans like it or not, the new character is set to replace Tony Stark as the iron-clad hero, at least in the comics. However, there are reports pointing to the potential turn of events in "Iron Man 4," with the new character taking over from Robert Downey Jr. as the star of the franchise.

First of all, Downey Jr. has always been the Iron Man that moviegoers and fans all over the know. Though he seemed to imply in previous interviews that he is still willing to don the red iron suit, there are also rumors circulating around a supposed storyline that will allow the actor to return only as Tony Stark and not as Iron Man.

The rumors have been around for quite some time now but it was recently fueled by the entry of Riri Williams, a teenager who will be stepping up to the plate after the events in "Captain America: Civil War II."

Who exactly is Riri and what's the big fuss about her becoming the next "Iron Man"?

Riri is only 15 years of age but she has a lot on her plate, and despite that, she will become the person who builds her own Iron Man model inside her college dorm. She goes to M.I.T. and at a young age, she will get the attention of genius-billionaire-philanthropist-playboy Tony due to her skills.

Speaking with TIME, franchise creator and writer Brian Michael Bendis talked about the overall reception of Riri among fans and those who have only known Tony as the one and bonafide Iron Man. Though Bendis thinks most fans are accepting the fact that Tony will have to pass down the baton, he knows the challenges of introducing new names.

"When you're introducing new characters, you're always going to have people getting paranoid about us ruining their childhood," Bendis said. On the other hand, Bendis explained that Tony's decision of stepping out of his much-coveted suit has to do with everything that will go down in "Civil War II," and it will also open doors for Riri to enter the picture.

As for the meeting between Tony and Riri, Bendis said, "One of the things Tony does to distract himself from all the things going on in his life is he goes to find this young woman who is flying around the middle of America in an armor that's not completely made to try to find out what her deal is."

As for "Iron Man 4," there is no confirmation that Riri will be introduced in the film. Assuming that Downey Jr. does take on Iron Man for the fourth and final time, the reception of fans on Riri's creation can be the basis for an "Iron Man 4" plot.

Will Riri become the next iron-clad warrior in the upcoming film? If she does, will her skills and story be enough to quench the doubts of fans regarding a new character who is worthy enough to don the suit?

Stay tuned for more updates on "Iron Man 4."

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