'House of Cards' season 5 spoilers: Will Zoe Barnes haunt Frank Underwood again?

(FacebookHouseofCards)"House of Cards"

Zoe Barnes (Kate Rooney Mara) was first introduced in the early seasons of "House of Cards." However, Frank (Kevin Spacey) felt that she had become a dangerous threat, leading him to kill her. In season 4, Frank hallucinated, while heavily sedated for an upcoming liver transplant, and saw Barnes sexually assaulting him. The question then remains whether her memory will continue to haunt Frank in season 5 or not.

Barnes was an ambitious reporter who struck a deal with Frank to fuel her ambition as a reporter. However, Barnes discovered in the process that Frank had something to do with the death of Peter Russo (Corey Stoll), a member of the House of Representatives. When she went to Frank about it, he felt threatened as to how much she knows. He followed her one night and shoved her into an oncoming train to make it appear that her death was an accident.

In season 4, Frank was haunted by Barnes as he lay helpless and sedated on the way to his operation. The scene showed Underwood's guilt at what he did. Will this guilt resurface in season 5 and come into play in Frank's character?

Meanwhile, as Frank deals with his own internal turmoil, he will also deal with his wife Claire (Robin Wright) who has her own political ambition and agenda. Some of the spoilers for season 5 reveals that Claire will launch her own political campaign in a bid to becoming the next president of the United States.

In another rumor, it is said that Claire will orchestrate a move to remove Frank out of power. Observers say that it is possible, given the insider information she has that could ruin her husband's career.

"House of Cards" season 5 is set to premiere in 2017. It is also reported that this might be the final season of the Netflix political drama.

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