'Fast and Furious 8' updates: Will next installment feature Brian O'Conner?

Paul Walker played a very big part in all the "Fast and the Furious" movies and the producers are trying their best to bring his character back in future films in the franchise. After "Fast and Furious 8" was officially announced by NBC Universal, Ron Meyer (NBCU vice-chairman) answered rumors spreading regarding Paul Walker's character in the upcoming movie.
In an exclusive interview with Variety last November, Meyer said: "Paul won't be in it, but he'll be represented in some form or another but whether his image is in it, I can't tell you yet, but he won't be in the film as a performer, as an actor, the way we did it last time," he added, "It will still be 'Fast and Furious,' it will just be without Paul."
But with the statement given, no clear answer has been made clear on whether Brian O'Conner's character will be played by a body double with CGI effects or if it will totally be represented by another actor as O'Conner. Cody Walker (Paul's brother) acted as his body double in "Fast and Furious 7."
If the producers decide to continue with the CGI effects, it will undoubtedly prove to be a huge task for the effects team, especially since "Fast and Furious 8" is only the first of a final trilogy that they've got planned. They should be ready for the load ahead because fans will likely expect a realistic portrayal.
Meanwhile, Vin Diesel named a couple of Hollywood personalities whom he wants to work with in "Fast and Furious 8." Helen Mirren, who was his co-star in "The Last Witch Hunter," is one of them. And the other is the beautiful Indian actress Deepika Padukone.
The film already has a tentative release date, which will be on April 15, 2017. Stay tuned for the latest updates and news.