Cleveland Cavaliers rumors 2016: Joe Johnson shuns chance at playing with LeBron James?

(Reuters)Shane Battier and Joe Johnson

Joe Johnson was recently waived by the Brooklyn Nets but is not expected to be team-less for long. In fact two top contenders in the National Basketball Association (NBA) Eastern Conference have their eyes on the veteran All-Star guard — the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Miami Heat.

Johnson, 34, could be a big addition to either team. He has been known to come with a repertoire of offensive moves which should come in handy for the Cavs and the Heat who could use someone who can rack up points in a hurry.

However, the question now is which between the Cavs and the Heat will Johnson choose?

LeBron James was pretty much vocal that if Johnsons wants to join Cleveland, he is pretty much welcome. If not, all is good.

However, rumors say that Johnson prefers the Miami Heat instead. If so, he should be a big addition, with the South Beach team in need of players to fill in for injured players like Tyler Johnson and Beno Udrih.

He also brings added firepower to the guard line of the Heat who may have just lost Chris Bosh for the rest of the season. Bosh is believed to have suffered a recurrence of his blood clot issue from last season and may end up sitting for the rest of the season. Such has yet to be announced and may all depend when he sits down with Heat bosses soon.

If so, Johnson is someone who can fill in the scoring slack left by Bosh. However, will he be enough to help the Heat figure prominently for a possible NBA Finals slot?

Even though it wasn't mentioned, Johnson may likely be targeting an NBA title. Being at the prime of his career, it is obvious that Johnson wants an NBA ring before his play dilapidates.

All that would be easier if he chooses the join the Cavs; but if he does, it would mean less playing time, with the Cavs filled with players who play similar positions as Johnson.

Nothing has been made official yet as of this writing but from the looks of it, Johnson is imminently headed to Miami.

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