Avengers 3 rumors: Spiderman stepping to after Captain America dies and Thor disappears

(Sony Pictures)

Marvel comic and film fans have always enjoyed superheroes battling with villains to save the world. While admirers have had their share of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and others, many have been deprived of Spiderman in the Avenger movies. The superhero, bitten by a radioactive spider, has not been a part of the Marvel universe in Avenger movies, even though he plays a pivotal role in the comic books. However, that is all set to change, if reports are to be believed.

Rumors infiltrating the Internet have revealed that Spidey is slated to be a part of the "Avengers 3" movie. A deal with Sony and Marvel has been finalized wherein the web-spinning superhero is set to lead a new batch of superheroes.

The Christian Post reports that Captain America aka Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) dies in the upcoming movie "Captain America: Civil War" which is in accordance with the comic series. Moreover, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is also supposed to be in bad shape in the movie "Thor: Ragnarok". Epoch Times claims he will end up in a "galactic prison", which also seals the disappearance of the handsome god.

This leaves the Avengers team empty, with no leadership or superheroes to take the fore. That is exactly when Spiderman steps in and becomes the leader of the Avengers, playing a pivotal role in Avengers 3. In fact, fans of Avengers can expect a whole new batch of superheroes to be part of the Avengers team.

A slew of reports has speculated that the new batch of heroes in "Infinity Wars Part 1" will include Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Ant-man, Wasp, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Captain Marvel, Luke Cage, any of the New Inhumans, any of the classic Inhumans, any of the Guardians of the Galaxy Jewel/Power Woman and any of the New Inhumans. The team of superheroes will be led by Spiderman. Spiderman fans now have one more reason to smile as the friendly neighborhood superhero will get more screen time in the future.

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