Xbox Live Games with Gold August 2016 free games prediction, rumors: 'Red Dead Redemption' among triple-A titles next month?
There are two more weeks before August but rumors about Xbox Live Games with Gold are starting to spread. People are wondering if Microsoft will be releasing triple-A game titles for their consoles next month.
The official list has yet to be announced but there are now reports that triple-A titles the likes of "Red Dead Redemption" could be offered free to all Gold members. According to The Bit Bag, the Rockstar Games-developed title should be included in the lineup because it was reportedly part of the July list but didn't push through.
The publication also predicted that "Sleeping Dogs" will be offered to all Gold program subscribers. The report noted that this Square Enix London title should be part of the list and when it does, it is expected that players who have not tried the game yet will fall in love with it.
"Ryse: Son of Rome" is a 2013-released title for Xbox One and Windows PC that was also predicted to be part of the lineup. It resembles "God of War" with a mix of tactical gameplay so this should appeal to players who are into this kind of genre.
It should be noted that the abovementioned titles are purely speculations. The Games with Gold lineup for August has yet to be confirmed but it won't be much of a wait. The free game titles should be announced towards the final week of this month.
While waiting, Gold Xbox console owners can still take advantage of the free games for July. Still up for grabs is "The Banner Saga 2," which will be available until the end of this month for Xbox One users. "Tumblestone" has just been made a free title for Xbox Live Games with Gold members and the offer will expire after Aug. 15. "Tron: Evolution" is also now available for download for Xbox 360.