Spanish evangelicals ask Nicaragua to halt closure of churches and Christian entities

(Photo: © Sean Hawkey)Crowds celebrate the anniversary of the Nicaraguan revolution on July 19, 2011, in Managua, Nicaragua.

The Spanish Evangelical Alliance has delivered a letter to the Nicaraguan embassy in Spain that expresses deep concern about the "harassment and demolition of freedoms" in the Central American country.

Evangelical Focus reported on Sept. 12 that for months, the Nicaraguan authorities have applied a repressive policy towards evangelical and Catholic organizations, NGOs, and churches, which has culminated in the disqualification of more than 1,500 independent entities in the summer of 2024 alone.

Recently, even the Nicaraguan Evangelical Alliance (Alianza Evangélica Nicaragüense) has suffered from the government's attacks, with the termination of its legal status, along with 168 other entities affected by the new measures approved by the government of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.

Due to the situation, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance (AEE) decided to make a formal complaint to the Nicaraguan government.

It sent a letter to the Nicaraguan consulate in Spain, in which the AEE stated its "enormous concern" about the current situation.

On Aug. 20, CNN reported that Nicaragua revoked the registration of 1,500 non-profit organizations, the latest in a years-long crackdown in the small Central American nation.

The organizations, which include hundreds of religious groups, are accused of failing to report their financial statements for a period of between one and 35 years, according to a notice published Monday in the government gazette,La Gaceta..

The AEE denounced "the persistent action of the government of your country in its progressive escalation of closure of entities, churches, associations, and evangelical missions, along with Catholic" and others, which the Spanish evangelical entity considers unfounded actions with no justification.

"The actions and activities of evangelicals in Nicaragua have contributed all kinds of wealth to the country (material, cultural, spiritual and values)," the AEE states, emphasizing that "as Evangelical Christians, we value as a fundamental principle and right of the individual their freedoms, in all their manifestations: of expression, conscience, thought and religion".

The body representing evangelical Christians in Spain expressed an "absolute rejection of your actions, which have recently culminated in the closure of the Evangelical Alliance of Nicaragua, which represents the evangelicals of your country in the Latin Evangelical Alliance, and in the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)."

The statement noted, "We ask you most respectfully and firmly not only to stop but to reverse your harassment and demolition of freedoms in Nicaragua. Although you may not realize it, the first to suffer is the government itself and the country as a whole", the EEA board said.

"We convey this rejection of ours to the European Evangelical Alliance and World Evangelical Alliance, and to the politicians of our country, in the hope that together we can bring this terrible disaster back to sanity", the letter concludes, asking the government to "come to its senses and turn away from the evil that stains its hands and actions."

Early in August, CNN reported that Earlier this month, Nicaragua canceled the legal status of the Diocese of Matagalpa's Caritas for alleged bureaucratic reasons, according to Vatican News.

The diocese is headed by Bishop Rolando Alvarez, a critic of the government who lives in exile after being convicted of charges including conspiracy and treason.

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