'Sense8' season 2 spoilers: Show will be back 2016; star Brian J. Smith tweets preparations for next season

(Official Facebook page)

The production team of "Sense8" had been quiet for some time now, prompting fans to become worried about their favorite show. But a recent tweet by Brian J. Smith seems to indicate that things will soon change in the "Sense8" universe.

The series quickly developed a solid fan base with its unique storyline and approach. "Sense8" revolved around eight strangers from across the world born on the same day who suddenly became linked to each other emotionally and mentally. This link enables them to access the emotions and skills of their fellow sensates.  The science-fiction drama was created and produced by the Wachowskis of "The Matrix" fame and J. Michael Straczynski.

Despite the raves it received, there were rumblings that the show would soon be cancelled especially since Netflix took its sweet time deciding if the show will be renewed. But "Sense8" fans soon heaved a collective sigh of relief when it was announced that their favorite show had been picked up for a second season. The announcement was made via Twitter on Aug. 8, the Sensates birthday, making it even more special.

Details about the show's production and storyline have been a tightly guarded secret, but insiders are saying that the cast and crew might start getting busy real soon, especially after a tweet by Brian J. Smith. The actor, who plays Will Gorski in the series, recently tweeted about having bought some luggage for "Sense8" season two and wondered if he had to pack for certain climates.

There are certainly a number of rumors floating around that hint at the show's sophomore season being an even wilder ride than the first. Michael J. Straczynski admitted in a previous interview with "Assignmentx" that new clusters might be introduced. There are also portents that season two might focus on love and its implications on the cluster.

Love might also be the reason why a certain character will transform into someone villainous next season. Rajan (Purab Kohli) will reportedly discover that his fiancé Kala (Tina Desai) has developed a relationship with another sensate, Wolfgang (Max Riemelt). According to Kohli, this will lead his formerly calm and collected character to turn dark.

There's no word yet on the release date for "Sense8" season two, except that it will be sometime in 2016. The series debuted on June so some are pegging the next season to be released within the same time frame, June 2016.

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