'Pokemon GO' Eevee evolution trick: Tips to evolve to Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, or Sylveon

(Pokemon website)Eevee evolution on "Pokemon GO" may be manipulated by renaming the character.

Players of "Pokemon GO" have discovered a way to turn Eevee into the Pokemon of their choice.

More and more players are getting hooked on the mobile app "Pokemon GO," despite the negative news surrounding the game. Players are excited to find Pokemon eggs, see what character hatches, and discover what it evolves into.

Eevee is one such character that is easily found by players and is known to evolve into three forms: the water-type Vaporeon, the electric-type Jolteon, and the fire-type Flareon. The type Eevee evolves into is supposed to be a surprise to players, but people on Reddit have shared success in turning Eevee into their character of choice.

As shared and proven by user-players, the key to choosing what type of Pokemon Eevee turns into lies in naming the character. Players who wish to evolve Eevee into the water-type Vaporeon should type the name Rainer. Players who wish to evolve Eevee into the electric-type Jolteon should type the name Sparky. Players who wish to evolve Eevee into the fire-type Flareon should type the name Pyro. After renaming the Eevees and saving the changes, players must restart the game. When the game comes back, the Eevees should have revolved accordingly.

The thread further shares that the discovery came from the original anime where the three Eevee Brothers were named Rainer, Sparky, and Pyro who owned a Vaporean, Jolteon, and Flareon, respectively.

Eevee is described to have an unstable genetic makeup that causes it to mutate depending on the environment where it thrives. Eevees are 1 foot 11 inches tall and weighs 14.3.

Radiation from various stones causes the evolution. Aside from Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon, Eevee may also evolve into the dark-type Umbreon, ice-type Glaceon, grass-type Leafeon, psychic-type Espeon, and fairy-type Sylveon.

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