Many Christians in UK say they suffer rising levels of discrimination

(Screen grab from Youtube promotion for UK prayer campaign using Lord's Prayer in Nov. 2015)UK children say Lord's Prayer

Christians across the United Kingdom are suffering harassment and discrimination in every part of society, a new report from Voice For Justice UK says.

The Costs of Keeping the Faith study found that people with conservative Christian views have felt marginalized for their beliefs, and discrimination is most prevalent amongst younger generations.

The study involved multiple-choice assessments of how participants had been treated in their workplaces and day-to-day lives, as well as open-ended questions concerning how comfortable they felt sharing their faith.

It found that 38 percent of under 35s surveyed said they felt their freedom of speech was restricted, with 56 percent-61 percent saying they have experienced hostility or ridicule if they discussed their beliefs.

The report also looked at Christians working in Britain's National Health Service.

It found inadequate guidance around prayer and pressure to carry out procedures that might contradict Christian beliefs.

One participant recounted: "'When I trained to be a nurse, I was able to sign a form to say I would not take part in abortion.

"This is no longer an option for student nurses, and as such, this profession would now have been shut to me. I feel this is highly discriminatory against my Christian faith."

Nick Fletcher, former Member of Parliament and Conservative candidate, told Voice for Justice: "We all need to wake up to the attack on Christianity in our society before it turns into something even more sinister. This report is a vital step in sounding the alarm."

The Catholic Herald reported that based on a survey of 1,562 responses, the report says that people who hold orthodox Christian views are being marginalized.

They are treated with contempt, while the figures indicate such marginalization is even more acute among younger generations.

The report found that: 56 percent said they experienced hostility and ridicule if they discussed their religious beliefs (this went up to 61 percent in the younger age group);

More than half of under-35s felt there were negative stereotypes of Christians at their place of work;

And 38 percent of Christians under 35 felt their freedom of speech was restricted;

The report also found that 78 percent of respondents said they believed religious discrimination was not treated as seriously as other forms of discrimination.

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