Galaxy Core Advance: Samsung announces accessories for the visually impaired

Samsung announces three accessories for the Galaxy Core Advance smartphone to aid the visually impaired, as covered in an article on the TDG website.
When the South Korean giant phone maker debuted its most recent smartphone, it specified that the handset would have some features related to accessibility to make the lives of the visually challenged people easier.This is the fulfillment of that promise. For the Galaxy Core Advance, Samsung introduced three new accessories, following below.
Ultrasonic Cover–the first accessory which is the device case. It detects obstacles or people two meters ahead. The cover notifies the user through vibrations or synthesized speech. No mention of price for this as of yet.
Optical Scan Stand - the second accessory that makes reading through documents possible with the smartphone.
When a paper full of text stays on the stand and the smartphone is placed on top of it, the device will start reading what it sees in the paper via the help of the camera sensor. This can make the lives of the visually impaired easier by letting them get through long documents with relative ease.
Voice Label – the third accessory which makes it possible for users to determine content or messages ahead and they can be played out when the phone is waved across the tags.
As these three accessories aim to help the visually impaired and make their lives much better, many have found that these devices can also be of help and will be useful even with the non-visually impaired people.
Samsung mentioned that these accessories will be available as soon as the Galaxy Core Advance goes on sale.