'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3' DLC 4 updates: Final DLC teases end of Zombies; new content set to be released in September

(Instagram / Call of Duty)"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" DLC 4 teases end of zombie storyline.

Treyarch's new update for "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" was a welcome gift for gamers this month. Not only did the update roll out new content, it also had fixes for those pesky multiplayer and Zombie issues.

The new update couldn't have come at a better time as gamers are already gearing up for the fourth and final DLC of the game, which is expected to be released next month. With the update, "Black Ops 3's" Core category has been given a new and reordered playlist, with the Fracture the Bonus category being moved to it as well. To the relief of the more OC gamers, the update also fixed the bullet holes that seemed to be a permanent fixture in the Black Market Epic Taunt.

The update also gave players four special contracts in the Black Market — Total Victory, Mercenary, 8-bit Specialist Calling Cards, and Tools of the Trade. In the Total Victory contract, players get Weapon Bribe and 10 Rare Supply Drops once they hit 75 wins. Tools of the Trade will unlock the Underworld Camo, while the 8-bit Specialist Calling Cards will earn players one Calling Card per Sub-contract. If all six contracts are completed, a bonus animated Calling Card is unlocked.

Players also got to see some improvements with regard to Zombies and Zetsubou No Shima. With the update, the stabiltity issue that hounded the Alchemical Antithesis GobbleGum was fixed. Gorod Krovi music was added to the Music Tracks and Theater Mode issues were resolved.

A trailer for the final installation of the Zombies Origins adventure has been released recently. The clip shows Dr. Monty meeting up with the Origins fighters after the clash at Gorod Kriovi. The good doctor is seen telling the group that "this is it," hinting at the end of the whole caper in the fourth DLC.

"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" DLC 4 is expected to be released sometime in September. Based on information that came out during the "Call of Duty" XP 2016 event, gamers have posited that the upcoming DLC will roll out either on Sept. 6 or Sept. 13.

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