'Wentworth' season 5 rumors: Bea Smith is dead, flashbacks to feature how Vera and The Freak planned her death

(Facebook/Danielle Cormack)Rumors claim that Bea Smith will still be part of "Wentworth" season 5 despite her death in the previous season.

Despite the loud speculations on Bea Smith (Danielle Cormack) still being alive in "Wentworth" season 5, the latest rumors claim that she may really be dead as Vera (Kate Atkinson) and Joan "The Freak" Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) connived to kill her.

There is no denying that Bea Smith's death in the season 4 finale of "Wentworth" made a lot of fans go berserk. However, many still insisted that the character may still be alive and will still be seen in the upcoming season of the Australian series as she will only be in comatose after The Freak stabbed her.

However, according to the latest reports, Bea is really dead. While it is still possible for the character to be seen in the upcoming season, she will only be featured in flashbacks that will reveal why Vera allowed her to escape from prison that eventually led to her death as she was stabbed by The Freak. Because of this, it is suspected that "Wentworth" season 5 will, likewise, reveal the events that led to Vera and The Freak's planning of Bea's demise.

Meanwhile, it is also said that there is a possibility for The Freak to become the new prison top dog as it was her primary motive for killing Bea Smith. However, as it is also possible for The Freak to suffer the repercussions for killing her fellow inmate, there are some who doubt if she will really be the top dog. After all, it was no less than Kate Jenkinson, who plays the role of Allie (Bea's lover), who revealed in an interview that the upcoming season 5 of "Wentworth" will, indeed, feature revenge.

"People are going to want revenge. Specific people (points at self). If you want to see justice for Bea, then watch season five. And long game, I don't know what's going to happen in season five. As a viewer—because I'm a fan of the show as well—I want to see what happens to The Freak! I want to see her get what she's got coming," Jenkinson told "After Ellen" in August last year.

As of this writing, "Wentworth" season 5's return to Australia's SoHo TV remains unknown. However, once it arrives, only then can it be finally confirmed if Bea Smith is really dead or not. 

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