'Teen Mom 2' news: Kail Lowry loses weight and quashes rumors of cheating on husband Javi Marroquin

((@kaillowry/Kail Lowry's official Instagram account))Kail Lowry posted this before and after photo of her on Instagram. The star hired a personal trainer.

While numerous reports are speculating Kail Lowry cheated on her husband, Javi Marroquin, the "Teen Mom 2" star has been shedding weight. Being a celebrity is no easy feat, especially since Lowry is a reality star and has often been criticized about her parenting style. After the birth of her second son, Lincoln, Lowry gained about 50 pounds. But the MTV star has been working hard on her body. She reportedly hired a personal trainer and was seen working out at the gym several times, according to Inquisitr. In fact, some of the episodes of the upcoming season of "Teen Mom 2" will see Lowry and her husband working out together at the gym.

Kail has received ample support in her journey of weight loss from husband Javi. In fact, it seems all is well in paradise as the mom of two children took to Twitter to say that things are fine between them. Lowry also posted a picture of her weight loss on Instagram. She posted a before and after photo of her face which shows a plump Kail in October and a much slimmer version of her snapped last week.

Radar Online had reported that Kail Lowry was meeting male friends without her hubby. She was reportedly texting male friends in order to catch up and hangout with them without Marroquin. While these reports do stoke the fires of cheating rumors, Lowry also broke down on "Teen Mom 2" and told her mother, in a candid conversation, about her problems with Javi.

The "Pride Over Pity" writer was seen telling her mother that, "Being married is not what I thought it would be at all... It's a lot of compromise, a lot of things I'm not used to" in an episode aired on August 2014.

However, her recent Twitter posts and weight loss along with work out sessions with her husband will hopefully put such rumors to bed. "Teen Mom 2" is set to air later this year on MTV.

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