'Switched at Birth' season 5 rumors: News on John and Kathryn's divorce; death of a character expected


A lot of fans were waiting for their favorite American drama series "Switch at Birth" to premiere this month but there was a change of air date for the show. Unlike the three previous seasons that aired within January, the new fifth season is expected to be released sometime in April this year.

Season 5 may pick up on that very scene where the fourth season left off. Remembering the last season's finale episode, Bay (Vanessa Marano) and Daphne (Katie Lerlerc), who have been in China for quite a while, received a call from their home in Kansas. It was a big cliffhanger for the fans, having no idea at first what the call was about. That specific scene started some speculations and rumors about what is going to happen in the fifth season.

The first episode of the upcoming season is titled "The Call," which shows a connection to what happened in the previous season finale episode. According to spreading reports, there are two speculated stories behind the call they received that will likely happen in season 5. The first one is about their parents, John (D.W. Moffet) and Kathryn Kennish (Lea Thompson), who are on the last leg of their marriage. The couple has been experiencing some big issues financially, which could possibly lead to some arguments. It has been reportedly said that the couple will be having a divorce.

Second is that their father, John, has a serious heart problem that needs medical attention. The girls could have received a call about this and they may rush back to Kansas from China to check on their father. It has been rumored that John will die in season 5 due to his critical heart problem.

The show creator, Lizzy Weiss, did a good job of keeping the fans excited about what's going to happen next in the story. NBC's Executive Vice President of Programming and Development, Karey Burke, spoke with Variety about where Weiss will bring the characters in the story. He said, "Every season 'Switched at Birth' continues to deliver fresh, relatable storylines that tackle important social issues, reflecting what our audience experiences daily. We're excited to see where Lizzy will take these characters next."

Fans will have to wait for the premiere day to know what will really happen in "Switch at Birth" this April.

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