Steven Spielberg film to delve into controversial Catholic abduction of a Jewish child

(Reuters/Mike Blake/Files)Award-winning director Steven Spielberg in San Diego, California.

Academy Award-winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg will revisit the controversial abduction of a Jewish boy in his upcoming movie — a historical dispute that divided the Jewish and Catholic communities of Bologna, Italy.

Based on a book by Pulitzer Prize awardee David Kertzer, "The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara" will depict the story of a Jewish boy, his forced removal from his parental home, and his parent's ill-fated battle for his return.

Edgardo Mortara fell gravely ill when he was an infant. One of their former maids, a Catholic, secretly baptized the boy.

The baptism was recognized by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition as binding and irrevocable. At the time, a law stated that Christians should only be raised by people of the same faith.

Thus, six years later, acting on the maid's testimony, the Papal state took Mortara from his family against his will and his family's desperate efforts for his return began.

Mortara grew in a Christian household under Pope Pius IX's protection and eventually became a priest.

With Pope Francis' call for open dialogue with regard to religious issues, critics question the possible impact of the movie on Jewish and Catholic relations.

Bologna city's current chief rabbi, Alberto Sermoneta, however, encouraged the film's production.

"It is a symbol of the forced conversion that was done at the time," the rabbi told Religion News Service. "The spiritual leaders of that era breached human rights and the laws of nature by removing that child from his family. When I was a child at Jewish school, we all studied the Mortara case. It is shocking."

According to Sermoneta, the Jewish and Catholic community in Bologna currently have a healthy relationship.

Pope Piux IX will be portrayed by Mark Rylance, best known for his roles in "The BFG" and "Bridge of Spies." Meanwhile, the adult Mortara will be played by Oscar Isaac, known for his appearances in Star Wars films and other movies.

Spielberg is currently searching for a child to play the film's title role.


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