RCA Approves Allan Janssen as General Synod Professor
The Reformed Church in America's General Synod approved Rev. Dr. Allan Janssen as the first part-time seminary professor to be installed into the office of General Synod professor.
Ten others make up a newly constituted corporate body called the professorate. He also becomes the first General Synod professor to be serving a church full-time.
The General Synod is taking place through June 26 on the campus of Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Illinois.
The RCA, which had just over 250,000 members as of 2010, notes few denominations have an equivalent to General Synod professor, commonly known as the RCA's fourth office.
"Each of our four offices has a particular core to it," Janssen said in a released statement. " For ministers of Word and sacrament, it's proclamation of the gospel. For elders, it's government and discipline. For deacons, it's mercy and justice. For professors, it's teaching."
Janssen was recommended by the RCA-affiliated New Brunswick Theological Seminary Board of Trustees. He has also been a pastor for nearly 40 years and has served at the Community Church of Glen Rock, New Jersey, since 2000.