Japan and Korea NCC Joint Council Held after 4 Years, Presented Challenges on Nuclear Power Generation and Immigrant Workers
The National Christian Council in Japan (NCCJ) and The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) held the 10th Korea NCC Joint Council from May 28 to May 30, 2019 at the Tokyo Korean YMCA in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
They released a joint statement stating that "the way of mission [is] to open [the way for] justice, reconciliation, and peaceful coexistence: the commission of the Japanese and Korean church." The joint council was last held four years ago in 2015.
"The essence of missions entrusted to us by Christ is for churches to empathize with the pain of the marginalized world and walk together with Christ," the statement noted. It also added that "churches must take the commission of missions to fulfill justice, peace, and the value of life."
The following are challenges for the churches in Japan and Korea mentioned in the statement.
- Through the solidarity of Northeast Asian civil society, the peace regime shall be established and the pacifist Constitution's Article 9 shall be kept. Churches of Japan and Korea shall cooperate to build 'a joint house of Northeast Asia' for permanent peace.
- Northeast Asia is the only region where people experienced damage from nuclear weapons and a nuclear power plant accident, and churches in Japan and Korean shall repent for not giving up nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants and shall contribute to fulfill life and peace through an anti-nuclear movement.
- Churches of Japan and Korea shall cooperate to overcome narrow-minded nationalism and reinforce history education for the new generation to the correct perception of history.
- Churches of Japan and Korea shall cooperate to break down gender inequality and sexual harassment which prevail in society and churches and to fulfill the gender justice.
- Churches of Japan and Korea shall promote the effort to foster leadership of young people and sensitivity of children for cooperation and solidarity.
- Churches of Japan and Korea shall feel strong responsibility for the Southern [hemisphere's] poverty in the global economy and cooperate to protect the human rights in that region.
- Churches of Japan and Korea shall organize working groups to fulfill these tasks and consult frequently.