World Mission in Spotlight as American Baptist Conference Approaches
In what's being called its biggest event in a decade, the international missions branch of American Baptist Churches USA is holding its quadrennial World Mission Conference in Wisconsin this May as church leaders present the opportunity for individuals to heed to the call to become missionaries.
Potential candidates for international mission work and pastoral and lay ministry will meet with missionaries and church leaders at weeklong event being held in Green, Lake Wisconsin which is sponsored by American Baptist International Ministries.
"Whether you are exploring an initial call to service, seeking God's direction for the next phase of your discipleship or just eager to learn about and join what God is doing the in world, this will be a terrific opportunity for you," said Stan Slade, IM global consultant and associate executive director.
Participants in the event include church leaders involved in pastoral ministry and mission, 14 international Christian leaders and 32 missionaries sponsored by IM.
"The missionaries represent seventeen different nations, some of which are new partnerships for IM," said Karen Mason, IM's director for Special Events in a statement.
Also included will be keynote address by speaker and professor Tony Campolo as well as a performance by the Christian Contemporary Music band Jars of Clay.
"I'm going to be interpreting missions as the ultimate outreach of the church to make the Kingdom of God a reality in this day and in this age," Campolo said in a statement last month, adding that "we need to be revitalized when it comes to missions. And that's why this missions conference is so very, very important."
Bible study will be led for three days by Rev. A.K. Lama, general secretary of the Council of Baptist Churches of North East India.
Track Leaders will include Church leaders focusing on missional involvement, pastoral ministry, and cross-cultural global mission service.
Some of the missionaries will lead small-group workshops. They include Laran Bethell (Global – Human Trafficking), Duane and Marcia Binkley (U.S./Thailand – Peace and Refuge) and Glen and Rita Chapman (Democratic Republic of Congo – Evangelism).
The first part of the event from May 18-20 "The Call Retreat" is open to everyone, but focuses on "discerning God's call personally" to serve as international missionaries, pastors and lay leaders.
Activities will include worship, inspirational messages, Bible study, workshops and personal reflection time.
The second part of the retreat, from May 21-24 will focus on "what God is doing in global mission today, especially as seen through the work of IM missionaries" in the U.S. and around the world.
Activities will include worship, Bible study and "opportunities to learn from and connect personally with what God is doing through the partners and missionaries of IM."
More details about the event are available on the website of International Ministries.