'Halo 6' release date for the Xbox One as well as PC

(Twitter courtesy of Halo)

The future of the "Halo" franchise may include the PC platform becoming a bigger part of the picture, as "Halo 6" could be made available for that platform as well.

Speaking recently with PC Gamer, Xbox head Phil Spencer touched on the topic of Xbox One and Windows 10 games.

At one point, the conversation turned to "Halo" games and the PC platform. During this part of the interview, Spencer was quoted as saying that the current installment of the franchise, which would be "Halo 5," "absolutely could be played on a PC."

Still, it doesn't seem that the full version of "Halo 5" will be making its way to the PC anytime soon, if at all, but that doesn't necessarily rule out the possibility that a future entry of the franchise may be playable on that platform as well.

Later in the interview, Spencer was asked if there was any ideological reason that could prevent the next "Halo" game from being released on the PC. Spencer replied to that question with a simple "not at all."

At this point, it seems like "Halo 6" not being released for the PC would probably be the more surprising outcome considering how things are progressing thus far.

Furthermore, there may be a reason to release the next "Halo" title for the PC and the Xbox One that goes beyond reaching more players, as it could also make a new feature accessible.

With more upcoming games set to be released for the two platforms, they may also end up offering the cross-platform play feature to the players who purchase those titles.

If PC and Xbox One players see that many games will be coming out with that cross-platform play feature included, then they may want to see the same thing be offered with the next "Halo" game as well, though considering the gameplay mechanics and the controllers involved, it's not quite guaranteed to be provided.

More news about "Halo 6" and its platforms should be made available in the future.

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