'Game of Thrones' season six news: Edmure Tully returns; Tobias Menzies at Riverrun for filming


"Game of Thrones" season six is turning out to be a reunion of characters that have been missing in action since season three. After the revelation by Los Siete Reinos that Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully is making an appearance next season, another member of his House is reportedly also coming back – Edmure Tully.

According to the "Watchers on the Wall" (by way of Los Siete Reinos), Edmure Tully (Tobias Menzies) is also returning in season six of the widely popular fantasy series. The "Outlander" actor had been seen filming on the Riverrun set.

The last time viewers saw Catelyn Stark's younger brother was during the infamous Red Wedding when he married Roslin Frey (Alexandra Dowling).

Fans haven't forgotten how Catelyn (Michelle Fairley), her son Robb (Richard Madden) and daughter-in-law Talisa (Oona Chaplin) were betrayed and brutally slain by the Freys, at the behest of the Lannisters.

Edmure hasn't been seen since then in the series but in the novels, he was the Frey's hostage while the "Blackfish" held on to the Tully's ancestral home, Riverrun.

With the revelation that two members of House Tully are returning and the focus apparently on Riverrun, fans who have read the novels believe that season six will be returning to previously ignored storylines from "A Feast of Crows" and "A Dance with Dragons."  

Despite reports to the contrary, "Game of Thrones" fans are still holding on to the hope that Lady Stoneheart will also be making her presence felt next season. The mysterious Lady is actually the resurrected Catelyn, who is leading the Brotherhood without Banners and is bent on revenge.

Members of House Tully are not the only characters said to be returning next season. Shae, Tyrion Lannister's dead lover, had filmed scenes in Peñíscola, Spain. Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) might also be seen next season as the actor was reportedly seen shooting scenes with his Khaleesi, Daenerys (Emilia Clarke). It's highly likely that the two returning characters will be seen in flashbacks.

"Game of Thrones" season six is set to be aired sometime in 2016.

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