'Destiny' and 'Destiny 2' updates and news: Destiny Update 2.2.0 rolls out in April; sequel set to arrive sometime in 2017


"Destiny" is one of those rare games that have remained popular and relevant despite being released way back in 2014. Even so, fans are still eagerly waiting for news regarding their favorite game. Luckily for them, Activision and Bungie have something up their collective sleeves.

After the release of "Destiny: The Taken King," game developers Activision and Bungie seemed to have turned their attention elsewhere, specifically to "Destiny 2." While that's very welcome news, it also meant that fans would be left with no new content to challenge themselves with until the sequel arrives. But that's apparently not the case, as a major update will reportedly be released this year, followed by a sequel in 2017.

The news was revealed during the company's investor's earnings report. According to Kotaku, the company "expects to bring a large new expansion to Destiny in 2016 and to release a full game sequel in 2017." Activision also reported to their investors — and countless gamers — that since "Destiny" was launched, 25 million players have spent a total of 3 billion hours playing the game.

More hours will no doubt be added to that tally once the new expansions and content have been released. Bungie announced on its website that the April Update (previously known as the Spring Update) will roll out on April 12. The Destiny Update 2.2.0 will be available for free to gamers who have a copy of "Destiny" and "The Taken King." Gamers will have a lot to look forward to with the update, including new gear, new PVE challenges, a new quest that features the Blighted Chalice Strike, updates on the Sandbox and Crucible, and an increase in rewards and Max Light.

As for the long-awaited "Destiny" sequel, Activision has announced that it will arrive sometime in 2017. While the release date is decidedly vague, it has been speculated that "Destiny 2" might be released in the summer. The fact that the original game made its debut on Sept. 9, 2014 has had some fans thinking that a September release is also likely.

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