'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3' update: Treyarch to focus on the importance of A.I. at Sony's PlayStation Experience 2015
Sony's next upcoming event, PlayStation Experience 2015, is only a day away and with that in mind, developers and game publishers are now gearing up for the coming annual console event. Treyarch, the company who created the recently launched "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3," is one of the many developers that are set to appear on the event. Their presentation, as reports suggest, will revolve around the Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in the game.
On Wednesday, Dec. 2, Activision's Scott Lowe had updated the fans on what they can expect in the coming PlayStation Experience 2015 that is set to happen this weekend. According to his PlayStation Blog post, avid and casual fans alike will get to more about the A.I. system of Treyarch's latest game "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" during their presentation at the event. Furthermore, aside from the A.I., the team will also discuss to the fans about how they made "BO3" happen.
"This Saturday, join me and members of Treyarch's engineering, design, animation, and story teams as we discuss the making of Black Ops 3, the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, and how it can shape the future of games during the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: Unlocking the Potential of A.I. panel," Lowe wrote on the PlayStation Blog.
Treyarch's presentation and panel for "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" will take place in the third floor of Moscone West Hall, San Francisco, California, on Dec. 5, Saturday at 4PM pacific. The team of guest speakers that will appear on the presentation are as follows:
Gary Stelmack, Senior Designer, Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Sumeet Jakatdar, Senior Software Engineer, Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Yanick Lebel, Lead Animator, Animation, Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Craig Houston, Lead Writer, Call of Duty Black Ops 3
The event is also going to be live streamed on Twitch for the unlucky ones who couldn't make it to this year's Sony's PlayStation Experience 2015. Gates for the event will open on Dec. 5 at 10 AM.