Basis Peak smartwatch sales halted due to overheating problem

( Peak smarwatch

While the Basis Peak smartwatch might not be as popular as the Apple Watch, it has a dedicated group of users. However, recently, about 0.2 percent of users who bought the device reported that it was overheating, and as a result of it, sales were stopped.

As soon as the company, Basis, which is part of Intel, became aware of the issue with its Peak smartwatch, it sent out an advisory to people who had purchased the device. In it, the company advised customers to stop wearing the Basis smartwatch until it releases a software update that will shut down the device once it starts overheating. It also outlined that the update is going to roll out to the smartwatch throughout the world. However, as an added precaution, it had also stopped the sales of the smartwatch and provided an advisory to its retailers so that they too followed the same process. Shortly thereafter, Basis also made the advisory available on its website.

On its website, Basis also addressed the melting and overheating issues that some customers have reportedly been having with the charging cradles used for the Peak. However, it pointed out that some of the charging cradles used were made by third parties and it was investigating the issue to get more information.

Wearable states that Basis had to resort to suspending the sales of the Peak after 0.2 percent of its customers reported that they had suffered burns or blisters as a result of it overheating. The company has also taken into account that some users might be unhappy with their smartwatch as a result of the overheating and might want to return it. The company has stated that these customers can get a full refund if they visit the support website.

Basis has been releasing several software updates for the Peak over the months and it is thought that the update to deal with the overheating issue will be released soon. Finally, there are indications that the Basis B1 device has not been impacted by the overheating issue.

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